
Accurate Printer Monitor. Compare features


Accurate Printer Monitor supplies four cut down versions called Accurate Printer Monitor Enterprise and Corporate. These versions omit some of the advanced features found in the corporate edition and is ideal for users who either want a low cost solution or are not interested in more advanced features.

This page lists the principal features of Accurate Printer Monitor and identifies those features that are not available in each version.

Accurate Printer Monitor Enterprise sells for 30% of the cost of the Corporate version. Users can upgrade to the Corporate version at any time, simply by paying the difference in price between the versions. The actual software is identical, since the software activation key is used to configure all editions. A code can be sent by email that allows the user to upgrade the software.

Feature set

The following table illustrates the main features in Accurate Printer Monitor and shows which of these are eliminated from the corresponding edition:

Feature Corporate Enterprise
Monitoring multiple printers simultaneously
Support for local, remote and netwrork printers
Individual monitoring options for each group of printers
Possibility to create fully different configurations
Real-time optimized printers monitoring
Possibility to save content of printed jobs to a PDF file and send it to a central server 1)
Possibility to monitor printer on remote computers without installing a remote client
Check printers status (online/offline)
Write printer events to a log file
Logs rotation (depends on date or time, size etc.)
Program messages logging
Simple, menu-driven step-by-step set-up
Create backups of program settings
Possibility to start multiple program instances
Support for non server versions of Windows
Support for 64 bit versions of Windows
Support for server OS
Performance optimizations for server OS
On-line help
Windows 2000+ service mode
Windows 2000+ service
Starts as soon as the operating system starts and doesn't require a user to log in and run it
Data export features
Write events to MS SQL database
Write events to MySQL database
Write events to MS Access database
Write events to any ODBC-compatible database
DDE and OPC server
Reports export to Microsoft Excel files
Reports export to Adobe PDF files
Reports export to HTML, JPEG, MS Word, XML files
Events handling
Send log files via Internet
Send notifications about printer events via email
Execute programs or scripts on printer events
Pack summary log files
Data filter plugins
Filter events data by expressions (use math,string and boolean expressions)
Deadband (excludes less significant data)
Advanced reports
Favorite reports
Table and graph reports
Print reports
Scheduled reports  
Define print cost for each printer, paper size and print qualiy
Manage printers list
Browse printer events in the database
Remote access
Web-based statistics (built-in HTTP server)
Access control for remote users
Remote access for users to their own statistics (over local network or Internet)  
Remote access to the global statistics (over local network or Internet)
Access control for advanced and favorite reports
Table and graphics reports
Customized web page templates  
Print servers quantity permitted by license 1 1
Supported printers quantity for each print server 100 20
Supported clients (users) quantity for each print server Unlimited Unlimited
Price (USD)360250

1) The content of printed jobs can be saved for local printers only. For remote computers you need to install our remote client.

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